Test your knowledge of the Office with this web app.
Made using Vanilla JS and JQuery.
An all in one app to get nutrition information and wine pairings.
Made using Vanilla JS, JQuery, APIs, Materialize, and Firebase.
Rev up your appetite with this fully functional Gif App.
Made using Vanilla JS, JQuery, and the GIPHY API.
Pretend to be a train conductor with this app.
Made using Vanilla JS, JQuery, and Firebase.
Use the LIRI app in terminal to find tweets, song info, and movie info.
Made using node.js.
Purchase some products from Bamazon!
Made using node.js with inquirer and mysql, and MySQL.
Find your new best friend with this Full-Stack App
Made using express, nodeJS, and Bootstrap. Deployed on Heroku.
Make a burger, and devour the burger!
Made using node.js, express, express-handlebars, and MySQL.
Use this full-stack app to search for any drink and leave a review!
Made using nodeJS, express, sequelize, jQuery, SASS, and MySQL.
This app scrapes HuffPo's world news and displays the top headlines with their links and images. Users can leave comments on the articles, view comments, and delete comments.
Made using mongoose, express, axios, cheerio, nodeJS, jQuery, javascript, Bootstrap, and HTML/CSS.